Florida’s insurance market is at a tipping point. The lawsuit-for-profit movement has caused unsustainable loss ratios, excessive reinsurance costs, and slim profit margins. There has never been a more important time to have a conscientious legal partner.
Florida Insurance Defense
About Our Firm
Our extensive experience on both sides of the inside/outside counsel relationship gives us a unique perspective and approach.

Our Services

Florida Insurance Defense Litigation
We know the pain points of the conventional carrier and outside counsel relationship: Huge bills, adverse reserve development, last minute requests for authority, long cycle times, and erratic communication. There is too much at stake for insurance carriers to put up with this behavior. We communicate promptly, follow through, adhere to the budget, and always put YOU first.

Hindsight isn’t always 20/20. We identify and focus on what truly matters on appeal. Clear, concise, and persuasive arguments are hard to ignore. As the appellant or the appellee, our approach is strategic and aggressive.
In a trial court, the best way to protect your results is to anticipate an appeal on the horizon. We work with trial counsel to develop and structure arguments, preserve the record, and achieve results that withstand appellate scrutiny. When your case matters, be ready for the appeal.

Commercial Litigation
In addition to representing Florida’s insurance carriers, we provide general commercial litigation services to Florida businesses including commercial landlords and technology firms. With our long experience on both sides of the inside and outside counsel relationship, Bickford & Chidnese litigates to achieve results, not run up fees. Allow us to show you that difficult problems don’t always have difficult solutions.